2023-06-12 14:09:24
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Keep an eye on real estate debentures with a deal of 9.5 billion baht.

"Economic base" surveyed the opinions in the money market industry to debentures that defaulted the debt. Debentures with problems increased Partly due to the cash flow of some companies have not returned fully. And there are also some debentures that have passed debt restructuring many times. Which has many cases that have problems with good governance Causing

Therefore, to build confidence in the capital market, both regulators and issuers or all stakeholders must help provide more information. Especially this time, there is a problem in the middle level player. Which is different from many years that the problem is not spreading

Since the beginning of the year, the Call Default group in 3 companies, 8 debentures worth a total value of 10,619 million baht, including ALL, default on 2 models, totaling 1,011 million baht, CHO has just defaulted on payment of 408 million baht. The rest of the remaining debentures that have been restructured and STARK

Mr. Naris Sathaphondecha, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Head of TTB Analytics Center (ttb analytics), revealed that the "economic base" that newly issued private debentures this year have a total of 3.69 trillion baht. The industry group that issued the most debentures is 321 real estate groups with a limit of 7.9 billion baht or

"Most debentures are credit ratings that can be invested. But must keep an eye on real estate debentures That comes out quite a lot Which about half of these debentures are speculative Low ratings or not ranked at all Which at the maturity The new cost to be repaid will be more expensive than before Only this year There are real estate

Ms. Kanchana Chokpaisarnsilp, Research Executive, Kasikorn Research Center Co., Ltd., said that the trend in the next 7 months of this year, there will be private companies raising funds through debt securities (debentures) for about 6.7 billion baht, mostly raising funds to repay debts, redeem existing debentures, which gradually

While in the past 5 months, the private sector has issued debentures of 903,425 million baht, distributed in 21 businesses, which has a limit of 125 million baht, a maximum of 2.37 billion baht, an increase of 61,696 million baht or 7.33% from the same period last year at 841,729 million baht. The debentures that have

"The issuance of debentures continues to expand from the end of last year. With an uptrend Which has both investment grade and non-rated groups, only non-rated groups, about 9,800 million baht, representing 1.1% of the new debentures 9.03 billion baht. It is expected that the whole year will have a debenture of 1.1-1.3 

Mr. Sanguan Jungsakul, Senior Director of Capital Market Business Division, Krung Thai Bank, said that the debenture stock market has a lot of supply continuously. While after Covid, the purchasing power of institutional investors is not stable enough to absorb a lot of accelerated supply. Therefore must diversify investment among individuals and cooperatives Especially debentures sold to the general public (Public

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